The big decision
How can you not be afraid of taking a huge decision?
First of all excuse my English, it's not very good looking!But I will try my best to write as good as I can.
This is how it all began! I came back from my 3 week trip to Thailand, and I just couldn't stop thinking of doing what I've always dreamt on doing...take few clothes, my savings and go traveling as far and as much as I could. Always afraid of doing it, not enough money, no one to go with or just no time, but this time it took me just 1 week and a couple of chats with amazing people I met in my trip, to make the big call.
Afraid? Yes! Not sure if this would be a good idea or not? Yes! Leaving everything you have is not easy, a good job, great friends, a nice and stable life, to just go and live this crazy dream you always had. But why not? I came to a moment in my life I think I am capable of doing it, and if it's not now, it might not be ever!
Everyone that knows me, knows I'm a wanderluster, traveling is my passion, and I would do anything to travel the world any time, of course apart from wine and coffe that are also my passions. When I told to my friends and family about my plans, they were not surprised at all, they all suppored my crazy idea of traveling alone that far away on the other side of the world: South East Asia.
Then it comes the difficult moment when you have to resign from you 8:00 to 17:00 job and you are not sure on how to do it or if you are sure of what you are doing! I love my job and the people around me, every day is a great day in the office, so it is never easy to let nice things go.
I am in my one on one with my manager, which happens to be also a great friend too! And I tell her my future plans...she looks at me and tells me " I knew this would come eventually, but we don't want to lose you, you are a great team member". So great news, they want me back once I finish with my 6 month trip! They will keep my spot and I can come back to my great job and my great colleagues. I'm not sure if it's good or bad, but it's always good to come back to somehing familiar.
As I said, it took me 1 week to make the decision and book my one way ticket to Chiang Mai, Thailand. But actually the truth is that it took me 10 years to do it! Well, it's never to late to do what you really love, it just takes sometimes the guts and the courage to do it! As every one said to me, just do it if it's what you really want to do....and that's what I'm doing!
Now that the most difficult part is done, it's time for the nice part of this adventure, start planning my 6 month trip to South East Asia! Not an easy job at all, too many amazing places to visit in so short time. After reading many blogs, I've decided that I will just book my 3 first days in a hostel and then I will go with the flow!
So what's next? Where to go?what to see? I've decided I want to visit a few countries, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and Philippines, many more are in my list, but I hope I will manage to visit all these amazing countries and be able to share my adventures with you!
Many questions come to your mind, what to do first, where to start? Will I be able to do it on my own? do I need vaccinations? Do I need visas?health insurance?how much money will I need to survive over there? So many things to think about.
But first things first, I need to leave my rented flat, put all my life in a couple of boxes and see where I will leave them while I'm gone. This is when you realize you have amazing friends and family around you, you always think you are not so important, but actually for a few good people you are very important, all my amazing friends and family offered their houses to keep my stuff until I'm back from my little adventure. A big THANK YOU to them all!
Vaccinations?do I need any? I guess it depends on each one of us, many people will say yes, few will say no. I've decided to put two, Typhoid and Hepatitis A and B, and let's hope nothing will happen to me over there. That's why I will need a good and cheap health insurance, better to be coverd than to cry later!
So now that I've taken care of the most important things, I just need to wait 2 months for my amazing adventure to begin. We only live once, do what you love the most and don't wait until it's too late! Go for it...and wander this amazing world we live on! See you once I'm on the other side of the world and I keep you busy with my amazing adventures. And don't forget to always be happy and smile 🌏
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