The big decision
How can you not be afraid of taking a huge decision? First of all excuse my English, it's not very good looking!But I will try my best to write as good as I can. This is how it all began! I came back from my 3 week trip to Thailand, and I just couldn't stop thinking of doing what I've always dreamt on doing...take few clothes, my savings and go traveling as far and as much as I could. Always afraid of doing it, not enough money, no one to go with or just no time, but this time it took me just 1 week and a couple of chats with amazing people I met in my trip, to make the big call. Afraid? Yes! Not sure if this would be a good idea or not? Yes! Leaving everything you have is not easy, a good job, great friends, a nice and stable life, to just go and live this crazy dream you always had. But why not? I came to a moment in my life I think I am capable of doing it, and if it's not now, it might not be ever! Everyone that knows me, knows I'm a wanderl...